Penetration Testing Cost

Are you afraid about how much it will cost to test your business for security holes? A lot of businesses have trouble figuring out how much money they should set aside for this important protection step. A vulnerability test usually costs between $10,000 and $35,000. However, prices can change a lot.

This piece will explain the different price models and break down the things that affect how much penetration testing costs. Get ready to learn how to choose the best security options for your business.

Things that affect the cost of penetration testing

The cost of penetration testing depends on a number of things. Because of these things, the end price is affected by the test’s reach and depth.

How big and hard it is

Pen test prices depend a lot on the size and difficulty of the test. A small job could cost $5,000, and a big one could cost more than $100,000. The price changes based on how many systems, apps, and unique code you need.

Costs go up even more with old methods. It takes more time and money to try more things.

There are extra rules that make prices go up in some fields. There are strict rules that healthcare and finances must follow. More money is spent on tests for HIPAA, PCI DSS, or ISO 27001. These rules call for more thorough checks and reports with more information.

The end bill is also affected by how skilled and well-known the tester is.

How experienced and well-known the testing team is

How much security testers charge depends on how skilled they are. High-level testers with credentials like CREST, OSCP, and SANS often charge more. They know a lot about security and can find even the most complicated holes quickly.

In the long run, these professionals may save you time and money by getting things done faster.

The price of a team is also affected by how well-known they are. Firms that are well-known and have a history of finding important bugs can charge more. The clients have more faith in the results. Claims must be carefully checked by buyers, though.

Before they hire a tester, they should look at their past work, reviews from clients, and qualifications. This helps make sure they get work that is good enough for the price.

Standards for compliance and the industry

Pen testing prices are set by rules in the industry. Annual security checks are required by many rules. The following rules all need this: SOC 2, ISO 27001, DORA, NIS 2, and GDPR. There are more rules for the health and banking industries.

Tests are harder because of HIPAA and PCI DSS. They cost more because of this.

Card companies are the ones most affected by PCI DSS rules. They have to do pen tests inside and outside. These tests check networks and apps for weak spots. To find bugs, testers act like hackers.

It costs more to get more complicated tests, but they protect you better.

Help with fixing problems and trying again

It’s not enough to just find flaws during penetration testing. A lot of companies offer ongoing support to fix problems and check systems again. For most jobs, Blaze Information Security will do one free fix check every 90 days.

Businesses can be sure they’ve closed all security holes with this extra help.

Firms need to think about how much it will cost after the first test. It costs time and money to fix problems and do new tests. A smart business will set aside money for these steps. They know that solving problems found during testing is part of a full security plan.

Fixing problems and trying again are very important parts of security testing. You’re only half way to real security without them. – Expert in cybersecurity

Testing Pricing Models for Breach

Pen testing companies have different price plans to meet the wants of all of their clients. Discover different payment plans, time-based bills, and other choices that can fit your budget and protection needs by reading on.

Packages with a fixed price

For security testing, fixed-price deals are a clear choice. With these deals, you pay a flat rate for a clear set of tasks. Companies often pick this plan because it is easy to understand and doesn’t change the budget too much.

Simple flat-rate tests cost around $4,000. More difficult work can cost $50,000 or more.

Fixed-price sets have different prices for different types of tests. Black box tests cost between $4,000 and $15,000. It costs between $5,000 and $20,000 to do a gray box test. White box testing costs between $10,000 and $30,000 or more.

These prices show how thorough and hard each testing method is. Companies should choose the deal that fits their price and protection needs the best.

How to Approach Time and Materials

The time-and-materials approach gives you more freedom than fixed-price deals. With this method, costs are based on how much time and work is actually put into tests. Reliable companies charge between $250 and $300 an hour.

This model works well for projects whose goals aren’t clear or that need extra work during tests.

The time-and-materials method lets us look into complicated problems in more depth. Without strict time limits, testers can spend more time on flaws that are hard to fix.

This method usually leads to more thorough evaluations, but the end costs may be higher than the original figures. To avoid surprises, clients should set clear limits and keep in touch with experts on a regular basis.

Days bought ahead of time or credits

Credits or days that you’ve already bought can be used to pay for pen tests in a number of ways. Clients pay ahead of time for a certain number of testing days. This model lets them set up tests whenever they need to without having to do extra work.

There are a lot of places that offer deals for buying in bulk. This method works well for businesses that need to test their products often throughout the year.

This way of paying saves time and money for businesses. They save time and effort by not having to approve each test individually. Plus, when they buy a lot, they often get better deals. In the next part, we’ll talk about how prices change by location.

Offerings of bundled services

Bundled services are another cost-effective way to move on from pre-purchased days. A lot of security companies sell a group of tests at a discount. Web, network, and mobile app tests are often part of these packs.

Companies may also add checks for the cloud or the Internet of Things (IoT). Companies that need to do a lot of tests can save money by using this method.

Bundled products must meet the unique wants of each business. For a low price, an app or website test costs about $8,900. On the low end, network tests cost $9,900. Apps can cost up to $34,600 and networks can cost up to $53,700.

Bundled deals can cut these costs while still covering a lot of protection ground.

How much different penetration tests cost on average

Pen test prices change based on the kind of test and how in-depth it needs to be. Tests of complicated network or cloud systems often cost more than tests of simple web apps.

Tests of Web Applications

Tests for web apps cost between $5,000 and $100,000. Different sizes and types of apps cost different amounts. Small apps with not many functions may be near the bottom. Apps that are big and complicated tend to cost more.

Hackers could use the holes in web-based software that these tests find.

These tests are done by professionals to keep you safe from cyberattacks and data breaches. There are special tools they use to look for bugs like SQL injection and cross-site scripting. The testers also try to get in like real hackers would.

In this way, companies can fix problems before bad people can use them.

Tests of networks

When we switch from computer apps to networks, we face new problems. Tests of a company’s network make sure that its digital technology is safe. It is the job of these tests to find weak spots in firewalls, routers, and other network gear.

It costs anywhere from $150 to $1,000 per gadget for a network security test. Prices range from $15,000 to $50,000 for a full network test. Network tests done on the inside cost between $7,000 and $35,000, and tests done on the outside cost between $5,000 and $20,000.

The price is different for each network type and size. Tools like Nmap and Wireshark are used by skilled testers to find holes in security. They also try to get in like real hackers would.

Tests for mobile apps

Mobile app tests look for holes in the security of software for smartphones. Most of the time, these tests cost $25,000, but sometimes they cost as much as $40,000. Hackers could use the holes that testers find in iOS and Android apps to get into them.

They try to get in like real hackers would, looking for ways to steal information or take over.

The price changes based on how hard the app is to make and what security requirements it has to meet. It usually costs more to fully test bigger apps with more features. Some fields, like banks, need extra thorough checks that make the price go up.

Next, we’ll talk about network tests and how much it usually costs.

Tests of the Cloud

Web-based systems are checked for safety with cloud tests. It costs around $10,000 to $50,000 for these tests. A cloud test costs about $15,000 for most businesses. The price changes based on how big and complicated the system is.

Cloud files, apps, and networks are all tested to find weak spots. Like real hackers, they try to get in.

To check the security of the cloud, experts use special tools. They check to see if APIs, data stores, and user access are broken. Bugs need to be found and fixed before bad people can use them. Tests in the cloud help protect company info from hackers.

A lot of the time, these tests are required by law for companies that deal with private information.

Tests of the infrastructure

Infrastructure tests look at how safe a company’s IT tools are. Each job costs between $15,000 and $50,000 for these tests. To find weak spots, testers look at computers, networks, and other tech gear.

To test how well barriers work, they use tools that act like real threats.

There are several things that affect how much these tests cost. What kind of test is done and how big the network is are both important. Systems that are harder to check cost more to do. The price is also affected by how good the judges are.

People who know a lot about something usually charge more for their knowledge.

Costs of penetration testing vary by region

The cost of pen tests varies around the world. Based on local markets and demand, different areas have different ways of setting prices.

Prices in North America

In North America, the prices of penetration tests are very different. A simple test could cost $4,000 for a small business. For complicated tests, big businesses might pay more than $100,000. Most network tests cost between $4,000 and $14,000.

It costs between $6,000 and $15,000 to test a web app. Tests of mobile apps cost about the same, between $5,000 and $15,000.

Prices vary based on the type of test and how skilled the tester is. Costs are also affected by the need to follow rules and business norms. There are companies that offer deals with set prices, and others that charge by the hour.

To get the best value for their protection needs, businesses should carefully think about these things.

How much things cost in Europe

In Europe, the price of penetration testing depends on the type of test and the member’s standing. A big licensing group called CREST has a range of tests for a range of prices. As an example, the CPSA test costs €224 for members and €320 for people who are not members.

The CRT test is €490 for members and €700 for people who are not members.

Fees are higher for licenses at higher levels. The written part of the CCT INF exam costs €232.50, and the actual test costs €558. The CCSAS test costs €350 for the written part and €1350 for the hands-on part for people who want to get the best qualifications.

These prices are based on how hard and in-depth the skills tried are on each exam.

Asia’s prices

The prices of vulnerability testing are going up quickly in Asia. In 2024, the market was worth $84 billion. It is expected to reach $135.33 billion by 2031. This rise shows how important safety is to Asian businesses.

Prices change from place to place. Charge more in places like Japan and Singapore that are bigger. Rates may be lower in smaller countries. Internal and exterior tests are important to a lot of companies in Asia.

These services help keep you safe from malware and hacking. Companies also spend money on security checks for the cloud and mobile apps.

What will happen if you choose cheap penetration testing services?

Pen tests that are too cheap might miss big security holes. Do not make this expensive mistake. Keep reading to find out how to do it.

Risks of Testing Not Enough

Businesses are at great risk when security tests aren’t finished. A lot of the time, low-cost services miss important security holes that let hackers into systems. This mistake could cause a company to lose money, have its data stolen, or have its image harmed.

If testing isn’t done well, data security rules might not be followed. Companies that don’t follow industry norms can get fined a lot and get in trouble with the law. Professionals who are good at pen testing can help find and fix security holes before hackers take advantage of them.

Possible Vulnerabilities That Were Not Noticed

If testing isn’t done all the way, it could cause even bigger problems. A lot of the time, cheap pen tests miss important weak spots. The tools used in these tests are old and can’t find new threats. They often use simple scans that don’t give them any human understanding.

They can’t find any special flaws in your system because of this.

Lack of money can lead to automated tools giving wrong results in tests. They might not see the new ways hackers use to attack now. Experts on the subject are needed to figure out these tough problems. You can’t protect your machine without them.

Your files and network are in danger because of this. It’s important to pick a test that is thorough and covers all the areas.

In conclusion

Fees for penetration testing depend on the size and complexity of the project as well as the tester’s skills. Companies that are smart see these tests as important investments in their safety. Cheap choices often miss important security holes, putting systems at risk.

Companies need to find a balance between their funds and the need for thorough tests. Picking the right vulnerability testing service will keep your assets safe and save you money in the long run.